Learning literacy in the classroom through art and student character

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Ika Apriani Fata Khalsiah Khalsiah


This study focuses on learning literacy in the classroom through art and student character in the qualitative purpose. To collect the data, the writer used documentation to meet the objective of this study. Data documentation that used in this paper is articles, book, and published related news.The investigation sees directly the news related. The result of this study showed that art education increases literacy skills on literacy learning in the classroom through art and student character. Besides, using writing a one-page profile on the character’s background, appearance, personality, assisted the students’ literacy skill. Thus, the literary canon is a construct; it was fashioned by particular people for certain reasons at a particular time.

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How to Cite
FATA, Ika Apriani; KHALSIAH, Khalsiah. Learning literacy in the classroom through art and student character. Proceedings of English Education International Conference, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 539-541, nov. 2016. ISSN 2527-8037. Available at: <http://eeic.usk.ac.id/proceedings/index.php/eeic/article/view/104>. Date accessed: 08 july 2024.