The implementation of scientific approach in teaching writing: Teacher’s teaching performance and classroom activities

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Endang Komariah


This study aims at finding out how the English teacher trainee of Teacher Profession Education (PPG SM-3T) implemented scientific approach in teaching Writing, her teaching performance and students writing achievement. The descriptive qualitative method was employed in which the subjects of the research were the English teacher trainee of PPG SM-3T and 28 students of X IS 1 MAN Rukoh Banda Aceh. The instruments used were observation, document, interview and video recording. The research was conducted in six meeting hours. The results of the research show that the teacher implemented scientific approach in teaching writing by integrating semantic mapping and TPS (Think Pair Share). The teacher applied thinking step (of TPS) in Observation step and semantic mapping in Questioning step. In Experimenting and Associating steps, the teacher integrated semantic mapping and Pair step (of TPS). And in associating step the teacher implemented Share step (of TPS). The teacher’s teaching performance increased from the first observation to the second observation, they were, from 73.44 (Fair) to 90.63 (Very Good). In addition, the students writing achievement increased after they were taught by the teacher who integrated semantic mapping and TPS. In the first meeting, the average score was 70.83 in which 71% of them passed the Minimum Learning Mastery (KKM: 80) while in the second meeting, the average score of students writing was 86.73 in which 88.89 % students reached the Minimum Learning Mastery (KKM:80). However, of six writing aspects examined three aspects: structure, vocabulary and mechanics still need more serious attention since the students’ achievements are not satisfactory yet.

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How to Cite
KOMARIAH, Endang. The implementation of scientific approach in teaching writing: Teacher’s teaching performance and classroom activities. Proceedings of English Education International Conference, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 164-168, nov. 2016. ISSN 2527-8037. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 july 2024.